Online Classes
Practicing from home has amazing logistical and health benefits! It's a great way to access classes according to your specific schedule whether you take a live class before or after work or save the recordings for a time when you are free to practice. Online classes offer a level of flexibility that many may find convenient (no pun intended) But, as with all services, there are some aspects to consider and acknowledge. Below is a list of questions and information points that I think may be helpful. Please also understand that while I am not offering up a physical space, online classes also have considerable overhead costs and the preparation and planning time for these classes is the same as in person classes. Thank you for taking the time to read through. ~Elisa
FAQ's & Info
Space and Props - You technically don't need anything to participate but I do suggest a thin mat, foam yoga blocks, a sturdy blanket and a 6-8' strap or retention band. Make sure you have enough room to safely extend your arms and legs while standing and/or laying on the floor.​
During the live practice, you can have your camera on or off, that is completely up to you. All participants will be muted upon entering the class. All classes will be recorded so please do not speak during the actual class. You are welcome to text or email me before or after. ​
For Meditation events, it is suggested that participants have a meditation cushion, sturdy blanket, blocks or a chair/bench to sit on. Seated posture is very important to the practice and I will spend time each session explaining best ways to sit to support your body comfortably.​
​Classes will start on time and end on time. If you need to leave early or arrive late, totally fine!
Please use caution when practicing at home! Take breaks, honor limitations, care for injuries and pay attention to your body and surroundings while listening to suggestions.
Chair Yoga is not being offered at this time.